Thursday 2 December 2010

Stage 1

‘Blood Sugar Sex Magic’ blares from her speakers as she showers, singing along. She shudders as the water turns from a comfortable warm to an icy cold. As she gets out the shower her long auburn hair swishes behind her. She looks in the mirror at her pale white skin, at her deep blue eyes, at her unperfect smile and button nose. She turns away from the mirror trying not to notice the last detail, trying not to see what others saw first, her scar. It runs from her forehead and down over her eye. Any closer and she would have been blind.
She walks to her bedroom and readies herself for the day. Someone once told her she should use make up to cover her scar but in doing so she never felt like herself, never quite right. So with a natural face, windswept hair and mismatched clothes she races out of the front door.
It took her a long time to find a job that suited her. Not public but not a boring office job either. Her dream job is here, Eden. It is an alternative clothing store run by her best friend, Kane. Here most people turn a blind eye to what is truly different in an effort to fit in.

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